Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Hidden Motivation and a simple truth

Today I wanna speak about how often times we get in our own way.

FYI I am a gamer; not quite a "Gamer Gurl" but a girl who definitely loves games. In today's gaming community, there are many cliques of gamers and different mentalities that come into play. Of the myriad groups I have seen there are 2 major Factions: PvE and PvP.

PvE short for Player Versus Environment or Everyone. PvE are the more casual group of gamers, much more laid back and easier going. A PvEr more often than not, wants to go their own pace and not be rushed through whatever they are playing. To these gamers, the game can be an escape from the real world and a place to explore and experience fantasy; a whole new world. Gaming is a medium to relax and wind down. People from this side CAN and do also play PvP but the greater majority abhor it or avoid it. Yours truly, falls into this category.

PvP short for Player Versus Player.
These gamers are the more hardcore gamers. To these gamers, it's more of a sport than an alternative reality to escape to. Measures of preparation and study goes into this side because the object is to win and the opponent is an actual other player not a predictable CPU. Many PvPers will also play PvE when they are bored or feel they need a little break from the hustle and bustle; and some people will only PvP.

A wonderful, awful thing happens when these two factions come together; the mixing of ideals and mentalities can be positive or negative and even both. Bringing their methods of play from one side to other can inspire gamers to think outside of their box or make them realize something they have never noticed. Make no mistake though, a bad gamer is a bad gamer; I'm not talking about someone who doesn't understand how to play, I speak of the people who play to make other players miserable.

These types of gamers exist on both sides though, my personal experience leds me to believe that a much great majority of toxic gamers reside on the PvP side. For this reason, many PvErs who have considered trying PvP decide against it. I have brought all of this up so I can reach a point that hit me just the other day.

We as gamers often worry so much about if we are doing things right or if we are being a burden; if we meet some standard or how far off the mark we are. We worry so much that we forget the true reason we even cut on the console: fun. We play games because we enjoy them. If we didn't I'm  sure we would find something else to do. So if you want to play PvP, I encourage you to do it. Dont worry about if you are bad or being a burden; ask for help, maybe do a little research, improve, and make sure to have fun. As long as you enjoy yourself that's what matters!! The same things goes for PvE, don't be worried about how you may not be experienced enough, or if you feel line you would let down your party members; get out there and try!! Learn, Experience, ask for help if you need it and, ensure that you have a blast doing it!!

This ideology can go beyond gaming really, don't let any one thing or feeling of inadequacy stop you from doing something you love or something you enjoy!! (As long as it's legal and morally correct)

I was talking with my day ones the other day and something that came out my mouth, sparked this whole post. It motivates me more and more as i think about it. I wanna branch out into PvP as a gamer. I won't be as hardcore because that's just not me but, there are certain PvPs I do enjoy; and im not gonna let a few toxic players keep me from it. That's all for now loves, have a good day!!


1 comment:

  1. EXCELLENT POST!!!! You definitely know both sides of gaming in being around & playing it, so you definitely tackled this one. Flawless blog bro.


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