Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Path Forward Through Dancing Shadows

First off I am hurt. Offended and Hurt that such ignorant words would ever leave the lips of the one whom I once thought was one of my biggest supporters. I'm also hurt that this was ever a question; you know me. You've known me. Is your denial and close mindedness so strong that your natural awareness to your surroundings have suffered? I am not attacking you, I am legitimately curious. 

For the curious minds: I have all my life ever, been me. I can't be anyone else. I tried to be what I thought everyone wanted me to be; that which would make everyone happy. In trying to please everyone else, I lost myself. I hated my life, I hated myself; I even wanted to die. It was during that dark time, yea those cold and melancholy days that seemed to march on endlessly, that I rediscovered the truth. A simple fact that we were born with long before anyone else tries to tell you who/what you are and who/what you should be. I am me; and that's all I can be.I was unhappy because I had become a strange creature; something wholly different than what I was made to be. I made a resolve to always be true to myself, and to love myself; accept myself.

Now I have committed to being true to myself; quite naturally I expected some push back even among those whom I hold most dear. Come to find out, nothing went as I expected. Instead of push back I received: Love, Support, Camaraderie, Protection ,and Assurance all from people with whom I do not share a bloodline. But from you?? All I have received was: Confusion, Denial, Resistance, and requests to not be myself. How could you?

To made things clear, my friends dear and true had nothing to do with me walking down this path; I was born on this path. This close-minded County, Hatred, Fear of persecution, your very own brand of Homophobia. etc lead me astray. I'm not blaming you for that; I was foolish and ignorant. I lacked the knowledge I now possess. I also had limited to no access to aforementioned knowledge. I simply did not know any better; so when you told me it was wrong, I believed you. When you questioned and corrected something, I obeyed to not incur your wrath and scorn. I could go on but really don't have to.I was pulled to the shadows and I almost broke. I almost broke and I would have been nothing more in those shadows, but God had bigger plans for me.

I was brought before wonderful people. People who enjoyed and supported me and whom I in turn enjoyed and supported. We all grew together as we all carried our own heavy burdens. When I was down, they were there for me. They have seen my darkness and continued to support and help me even when life was tough. When I finally came to terms with myself and discussed it with them, all of them unanimously accepted me! I begin to toe the path once more and this time I know better then to listen to the hateful lies I was spoon-fed in my youth. In short, my Friends didn't cause me to choose this life; this life chose me, and when I came to terms with it they we all there to welcome me with open arms. They supported me.

I fully accept that these words may never reach you. I fully accept that you may never accept me for who I am. That truly makes me sad, but I refuse to be your fake image any longer. I love myself too much for that. The path goes on and I, being bold enough to walk it, have decided to do just that.  


The Path Forward Through Dancing Shadows

First off I am hurt. Offended and Hurt that such ignorant words would ever leave the lips of the one whom I once thought was one of my bigge...